We love a good round up of listener questions, and this episode has so many good ones! From the best salad to eat, to Ozempic, to supplements and probiotics, we are covering it all in this episode. Tune in to hear Jenn answer your burning questions. 

On this week’s episode, Jenn is answering questions that listeners have sent in regarding a wide variety of topics. The questions range from healthy sweet treats, to the 5 second rule, to navigating the dating world while taking Ozempic. Jenn deep dives into each topic with clarity and understanding. There is sure to be a takeaway for everyone! Tune in to hear these great questions, where you’ll learn you aren’t alone in all the confusing advice out there! 

The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store. 


● [3:20] What is a healthier salad base, romaine or arugula, and which has more nutrients?

● [4:49] Is quinoa healthier than rice?

● [6:23] What are healthy sweet snacks?

● [8:23] Are Smart Sweets and Small Wins really good options for a sweet treat? 

● [12:28] Is the 5-second rule really a thing?

● [14:25] What is a good option when you are out and about and need a quick meal?

● [16:13] Is Naya Tame Kava really a healthy fast food option? 

● [19:31] Are Sakara or Factor Meals good options for meal kits?

● [24:49] What is Intermittent Fasting and does it help with perimenopause?

● [27:00] What is Jenn’s opinion on Ozempic? Is it cheating?

● [31:48] How do you navigate dating while taking Ozempic? 

● [34:50] What does Jenn think of Liquid IV and LMNT?

● [37:46] What are methylated or activated B vitamins? 

● [39:00] How do melatonin and ashwagandha work? Why does melatonin create “funky” dreams?

● [42:15] What does Jenn think about juicing and AG1?

● [45:15] What are spore probiotics and how do they work? 

● [47:27] If you are not a vitamin person, what, if any, supplements should you take?

● [50:05] Is using the turmeric spice enough to get the benefits of turmeric?


● [12:04] Sometimes it just isn’t worth having the “healthier option” of candy because the ingredients are just replaced with food-like substances. Instead, just have a few of the candy/treat you want and enjoy it!

● [25:21] In regards to intermittent fasting, the average human living in this world does not get the minimum requirements of what the body needs in order to not deteriorate…So how do we expect someone to get what they need with an eating window of only a few hours a day?

● [43:48] When you are taking supplements, make sure that they are in a form that the body can absorb. Sometimes certain things together don’t allow the body to absorb and use it, whereas other things need to be combined with something else in order for the body to use it. 


[16:52] “I live in a world where we can find something to eat anywhere. There are just sometimes trade offs. Like eating out at a restaurant, they’re going to probably add salt and fat and things that you wouldn’t necessarily eat at home, and yet you could go into Naya and get the chicken kebab, greens, a bunch of veggies, some tzatziki, hummus and have a great, super satisfying meal.” - Jenn Trepeck

"My issue with a lot of these [food delivery companies] is that they spend the calories in a way that I wouldn't if I was making food for myself." - Jenn Trepeck

"The idea that we are going to expect our body to perform without fuel, is not what sends the body signals of safety." - Jenn Trepeck

[31:01] “It’s that expectation that we’re all supposed to be the same body shape and size. We don’t expect the same shoe size, we don’t expect the same height, we don’t expect the same hair color, why do we think that we’re all supposed to be the same body shape and size?” - Jenn Trepeck 

"We have a really big problem socially...we are returning to the '90s, wafer-thin is the sign of health and beauty and that's not the case, at all." - Jenn Trepeck

[45:16] “Okay, probiotics are the gut bugs. We need different gut bugs in different parts of the digestive tract. So we need different ones in the small intestine versus the large intestine versus the colon and all throughout. They have to go through the stomach where stomach acids tend to kill the live gut bugs. Now that’s assuming that whatever probiotic you’re taking is even alive when you take it, because a lot of times if they're not made properly, if they’re not stored properly, the bugs will be dead by the time you take them. So a lot of people will take a probiotic and notice nothing.” - Jenn Trepeck

[47:52] “It’s very possible that you don’t notice a difference (taking vitamins), because there are a lot of vitamins that pass through the body whole, where the body can’t even break it down in order to absorb the nutrients, or it can’t even break down the pill.” - Jenn Trepeck 

Link for Supplements Jenn Discussed

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