Arthur Pais, writer, journalist, foodie, mentor, died in Jan. 2016. This is a call-in show for friends, fans, and others to discuss his incredible work and legacy. You can join us via phone or computer live on Sunday, March 6, 11 am-noon (9:30 pm in India; other world times here: 

If you would like to submit a written tribute that we can read on the air and during the in-person service, please send it to [email protected]. SUBJECT LINE = ARTHUR PAIS.

There are two celebrations of his life:

This virtual service, on Sunday, March 6, 11 am-noon (9:30 pm in India, other world times here: (9:30 pm in India; ):
There's an in-person memorial service for Arthur in NYC on Sunday, March 13, 3-5 pm. Details are here: