Jon had a busy weekend doing and seeing shows between Bathurst and Bangor. Matt Parks and Eric Braun from the upcoming short film, The Minister, join the show. We talk about The Minister and how it all came together. Troma movies and independent filming in general are also discussed. Podcast exclusive content includes an old episode of Parents on Film with Edna and Josiah Fairweather. Recorded live Monday July 29 2019 9-10pm on Local 107.3fm.

Amigo The Devil - Hungover in Jonestown
Pixies - Gouge Away

Matt Parks & Eric Braun:

Eric on FB
Matt on FB
The Minister on FB
Aug 9 - Movie Premiere: The Minister and Troma's LatestHurtin


Cigarettes and Cool Ranch at the Fundy Fringe Festival

Hard Times

No Jokes Barred, Uptown Comedy Deluxe and Saint Jon Forward Radio T-Shirts Now Available Online!

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