

Repentance Replaced by Ritual 

A New Form of Money-Changers 

Abuse of the Eucharist 

A Wicked and Neglectful Priesthood 

The Reformed Churches Preach True Repentance 

The Whole World? 

Nothing New: The Faithful are Called Heretics 

The Tone Police 

Regulative Principle of Worship 

Impoverished Prayer Life 

Eucharistic Practice and Theology 

Church Government 

Rome Is The Shepherding Movement Writ Large 

Peace, Peace, When There is No Peace – No Fruit, No Fruit, When There is Fruit 


Respecting Authority 

Must We Wait For Obstinate Clerics? 

Exhortations to Reformers 


Saint Athanasius Church

Contra Mundum Swagger

Video Version

Feller of Trees Blog (Transcript)