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Interview with Sarita Armstrong Author of The Baggywrinkle Cookbook:
The Baggywrinkle Cookbook

The charming stories in this book take us from one end of the Mediterranean to the other as we follow Captain Bill Baggywrinkle (‘Baggy’ to his friends) on his leisurely way over the sea, learning to cook for himself and for his friends along the way.

Cooking on a boat does not have to be all tins and packet soup. Starting from simple beginnings the recipes progress to quite sophisticated cooking, but the Tips and Techniques help you along the way. Some recipes are new, some are old favourites but all are tried and tested. If they can be cooked on a boat they can be cooked in a caravan or in any small kitchen where space and equipment is at a premium.

The author spent over 20 years living on sailing boats in the Mediterranean, firstly on her own 26ft catamaran which she sailed mostly single-handed from Spain to Turkey; then on 60ft sailing yachts, often catering for charterers. She now lives on a barge in France. Prior to sailing, she owned her own restaurant for twelve years in Devon.
About Sarita from her website:

An early memory is of flying to Kenya where my father’s work had taken him. I was four years old and in those days the flight took three days, stopping at Cairo and Khartoum where the smell of hot desert air seemed strangely familiar. We returned three years later by ship to Venice then drove our old Citroën home to England – quite an adventure in the early 1950s.
On reflection, failing to get a place at University was a blessing in disguise, for instead of my way of thinking being moulded to the common norm, my mind has been able to expand in some quite unusual directions. At eighteen I headed off for India to work with Tibetan refugees. The contact with Freda Bedi and her school for young Lamas where I would be working was made by my mother who was one of the early Western Buddhists. Whilst I was there I helped to found the first nunnery for refugee Tibetan Buddhist nuns in India, and taught English to the younger Incarnate Lamas. On my return I continued to work with the Tibetans in the U.K.
Married life and earning a living amongst people with little interest beyond the material gave me a good grounding to balance the esoteric side in which I had been immersed. We had moved to Devon and old buildings were renovated, a restaurant created, and a local Inn developed out of my grandfather’s old Devon longhouse. Rare breeds of sheep were kept as a side line. In the early 1980s my first husband and I separated and I left England, healing my wounds on the beaches of Sri Lanka and sailing as crew on a yacht from South Africa to Brazil.
Six years were spent sailing my own small catamaran in the Mediterranean, where I met my second husband. We continued to earn a simple living on sailing yachts, living on board for twenty years then retiring to the foothills of the Taurus Mountains of Turkey. There we restored an old village house and built a new one nearby on farmland where we kept horses. During this time we managed a number of extended visits to Egypt, Asia, Mexico and India and with my mother I visited China when it first opened up to foreigners.
I owe much to my mother with whom from my earliest days I discussed life, death and the meaning of it all; and to my father who was a saintly man though he adhered to no religion. I have always been interested in the origins of civilization, the migration of people and the interaction of cultures east and west.
I write for my own pleasure and to get ideas clear in my head. I hope others may find some value in it.
At present my husband and I are exploring the waterways of France, living on a converted Dutch barge: still traveling on!

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