Next Episode: The Safety Show

We had some difficulties with the audio on head, foot, hearing, and eye protection. I ended up having to reshoot everything and combine it into one YouTube video at Jim Poesl's Safety Wars. I included the conclusion to my sessions on Disaster Preparedness here.

[00:00:00] :  This show is brought to you by Safety Warning. The following podcast contains adult language, adult content, weird and unusual stories that all happen to be true. We didn't start this war on safety, but we're going to fight, that safety war and we're going to win it. So here we are. Our conclusion the disaster preparedness month. Disaster preparedness month, my students as a standalone video. So a couple of years ago I came out with this book and I know it's probably the reverse nuclear terrorism. A family response guide. This one was written in Originally in 2008, right, and published a couple of years later. So, and the conclusion part of this, I went into a whole bunch of stuff that I think that we're facing today. All right now, let me read some sections. It is likely that the contents of this book will cause mixed feelings ranging from denial and disillusionment to hopefully empowerment. I hope that I have inspired empowerment not only in disaster management, but in all aspects of your own life. The past three years have been rough on this nation again. This was written in 2008. We have these economic problems disillusionment with the political situation, politicians and political parties and the rise of radical groups and other challenges, insights that were once called conspiracy theories have now been found to be facts and mainstream because of researchers and government whistleblowers going on. I'm not going to share the rest here because it's really not Germaine here, but basically a society to blame or are we to blame? I can't worry about what the politicians are going to do, what my emergency planners are going to do what my company is gonna do. I own the company, but when I work for a company, you can't worry about what your company is going to. What you have to have is a mindset of what am I gonna do? The people who I am able to influence people like my wife, my extended family, my immediate family, I can influence those folks. I can go out and be a preparedness expert, become that point person in my group of people, I can do something about that. You could do something like that. Can I talk about leadership and things in the future on this Youtube channel and podcast, but it's all about what you could do, empowering yourself and within your own capabilities, reaching out maybe having a small group or a community out there that you could reach. That you could pull resources that you support each other, whether it's a church, synagogue, mosque, other community groups, inside the government, outside of government. Alright. But I think especially now over the last 19 months or so, we're going on maybe a little longer depending on how you want it. Can how are we treating each other, how are we working together as a community? How are we going to help the other person? These are the all the things that we strive to do here on safety wars. Let's try to inspire people. Safety F. M. Does the same thing too. We have 17, 18, 19 podcasts. I don't know, it keeps growing all the time. We're out here. We're trying to help people, we want to help you, We want to go out there and try to inspire you. Wouldn't want to go out there and try to get the community together. Talk about things, disaster preparedness, you can, you know, Don't expect 1/2. I'm gonna be doing disaster preparedness and I'm gonna be completely prepared. Guess what? It's an ongoing process. What I always say to people is this, most people are limited means there are other priorities like a mortgage, health care, childcare, everything else that comes up in life, a roof over your own head. All this stuff is a high priority obviously, but try to pick one or two things a year so that you've tried to Okay, well look, these are our priorities. Hey, this year we're going to make sure we all get first aid CPR training because they may offer it at our church or community group and or something like that. Let's go as a family or as a group, let's get first aid CPR training. It could be you and a couple of, you may know somebody, hey, you know, what can we do first aid CPR training. Most trainers will do stuff At cost if it's for a small group of friends or something because like what I had to deal with on March 31 along with my brother in law Donald, we had to deal with a real dad situation where we need a first aid CPR training. All right. You don't know when that's gonna hit, if you're a Hannah hassle, you're in charge of getting food. Usually it's only one person in a hassle. My experience getting food right, Running to the supermarket, can an extra can of beans get extra, whatever can item we're gonna have okay, in a month we're gonna buy enough water for a month, right? Bottled water. And guess what then? Because that's something we normally buy to buy the stuff that you normally buy except a little bit more where you can put aside plan things out ahead of time. Doesn't have to be a huge cost. Try one or two things a year. We know one family that decided to get off the grid down in texas. And guess what? It was an ongoing process for five years. Well this year we're going to be self sufficient on food. So they were able to set up a little bit of a co op. They were able to get by acreage one year, then the next year they're able to set up a small coop informally with friends where everybody came and grew food together, they set up old farm another and then the next year, okay, we're going to work on our power system where we're gonna be off the grid next year. Off the grid. Right? And then along with that right there a lot of food canning and you know, they set up a solar power system, got energy efficient appliances were able to address that little steps year by year. And so even the fact that you're thinking about it is going you're going to be a better situation. So visit us back here at safety words dot com at jim Polson safety awards and on safety FM on the network. And also we have our podcast safety awards, visit us back that we're gonna, you know, because it's the end of disaster preparedness month. This conversation is going to be going to go on and on and on. And if there's any special topics you want me to talk about, please go and send me on over a email at jim at safety words dot com. If you go over our website, send it through there also and I hope we don't have to actually ever have to use any of this stuff but at least we'll be prepared for it for safety wars. This is jim proposal. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. It should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast, J. Allen.