How to Detox Like your Ancestors With Brian Richards

 Join Lloyd Burrell of with Brain Richards to discuss how saunas help you detox on this episode of Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health. This episode takes a look at:

Detoxing and why it's important. How Sauna Space helps you. How Holistic healing can help you.

Brian is the founder and lead product developer at Sauna Space. Brain fully healed his toxin-related acne, brain fog, and adrenal fatigue with near-infrared lamp sauna full spectrum light and heat therapy and has now been inspired to make near-infrared portable sauna solutions and help others find the way to natural holistic healing. To learn more about Brian and what he does, click here

Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health is a podcast hosted by Lloyd Burrell of He has become a powerful leader where our hyperconnected world of mobile phones, WiFi, 5G, smart appliances (and even the wiring in your walls) can pose a health risk. Tune in to learn, from Lloyd and the world's leading experts, how you can be SAFELY connected, thrive, and even remediate the effects of EMFs on your health. With this podcast, you can live a naturally healthy life in an electromagnetic world.