0And How it Relates to Cronic Fatigue with Dr. Sarah Myhill

Join Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense.com with Dr. Sarah Myhill to discuss the electric potential in our cells and how they affect us, on this episode of Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health. This episode takes a look at:

Biochemistry and Electricity. Cronic Fatigue Syndrome. The effects of electric potential in the body.

To learn more about Dr. Myhilll's story of solving the problems and not the symptoms, and the work she does to help find a solution for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, click here 

Dr. Myhill is a veteran clinical physician based in the U.K. and a leader in treating chronic fatigue syndrome. She’s focused her career on identifying and treating the underlying causes of health problems, especially the diseases of civilization with which we are beset in the West. She is the author of several books and her latest book is Sustainable Medicine: Whistle-blowing on 21st Century Medical Practice.

Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health is a podcast hosted by Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense.com. He has become a powerful leader where our hyperconnected world of mobile phones, WiFi, 5G, smart appliances (and even the wiring in your walls) can pose a health risk. Tune in to learn, from Lloyd and the world's leading experts, how you can be SAFELY connected, thrive, and even remediate the effects of EMFs on your health. With this podcast, you can live a naturally healthy life in an electromagnetic world.