Reduce Your Electrosmog Exposure with Guy Hudson

Join Lloyd Burrell of with Guy Hudson to discuss how to create an eco-friendly and low EMF home environment on this episode of Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health. This episode takes a look at:

Reduce the radiation hitting your brain when using your cell phone (easy and free) A 3 point plan for dealing with electrosensitivity on a budget How landline phones often emit 2 types of EMFs- and how to mitigate the dangers

Guy Hudson worked for many years designing cars and doing IT consulting in the telecoms industry before being over-irradiated and falling ill. He subsequently trained with leading building biologists in Germany and for the last 10 years has been working at reducing electrosmog for others.

Collaborating with suppliers, electricians, architects, building biologists and medical practitioners, Guy now performs electromagnetic surveys for homes, businesses and clinics and makes recommendations to reduce the electrosmog involving dirty electricity filters, grounding sheets, headsets for mobiles etc.


Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health is a podcast hosted by Lloyd Burrell of He has become a powerful leader where our hyperconnected world of mobile phones, WiFi, 5G, smart appliances (and even the wiring in your walls) can pose a health risk. Tune in to learn, from Lloyd and the world's leading experts, how you can be SAFELY connected, thrive, and even remediate the effects of EMFs on your health. With this podcast, you can live a naturally healthy life in an electromagnetic world.