Laura and Sarah talk about damaging messages she received growing up  which made her feel like she didn't measure up or needed to project a certain image in order to be accepted. Sarah shares examples of the words spoken by her mother which emphasized the priority of her appearance and weight. Over time, Sarah's began to believe lies about herself, God, and others and shares the lies including how believing them affected her social, spiritual, and emotional life. Sarah's path to healing included turning to the Lord to receive His view of her, taking her hurt to Him, pursuing counseling, and being in community with friends and family who could encourage her. Sarah's prayer to see her mother as God does brought further restoration as her mother confided in her about painful things in her past which were not dealt with. The beauty of ongoing restoration of what the enemy intended for evil and the rebuilding of their relationship within healthy boundaries round out the conversation. Sarah shares the healing she received from reflecting upon and sharing her story. Read and pass on Sarah's written story, Weighed Down.  Connect with Laura through the contact form on Sacred Story.