Laura's conversation with Melanie begins with Melanie sharing her story of a growing friendship which caused her heart break when her friend pulls away. She describes how the friend let her into her life and seemed to embrace shared beliefs about God and the walk of faith. When the friend decides to take a path that was in contrast to her former stance, the result is hurt and wounds from the interaction. Melanie reflects on managing expectations in friendship and examining motives for giving to others.  When there's shared Biblical conviction among sisters in Christ that a friend chooses to ignore, the disparity can cause hurt and misunderstanding.  Melanie and Laura talk about the powerful temptation to compromise in the area of sexual purity and how women can live this out in a world which promotes the opposite.  The conversation wraps up with Melanie describing how she moved through hurt and found a place of peace including wisdom in how to respond when someone wounds you and doesn't realize it. Visit the Sacred Story website to read stories of women overcoming hurt and betrayal through the strength of Christ. Reviews are our friend and we'd love for you to leave a review about the Sacred Story podcast so other women know their story matters. Follow us on instagram, @sacredstoryministries.