Laura's conversation with Judy Douglass is full of rich insight from a Christ follower who has experienced God's faithfulness through many chapters. Judy shares about coming to faith and those who helped her grow. She talks candidly about her struggles to want her own way and how she responded to life events including a broken engagement and the adoption of her son Josh. Judy imparts life giving wisdom about giving thanks, surrendering dreams, investing in the lives of others, and hearing God. To hear more visit where she shares with "realness" how God is meeting her. Judy and Laura also talk about how she comes alongside those who are waiting for a loved one to surrender to the Lord through the Worldwide Day of Prayer for Prodigals on June 2nd and Judy's devotional When You Love a Prodigal. Judy recommends Lori Joiner's Bible studies as a great resource for discipleship.  Having worked with Cru for over two decades, Laura talks about how connecting with Judy and being involved in the ministry impacted her as a college student, helping to form mission and vision for her life. Read more stories of passing on hope at Sacred Story.