Continuing the series Unexpected Turns, host Laura Wilcox talks with Diana, who recalls her decades-long marriage with Rick, a man who supported but did not share her faith in Christ. While Diana warns other young Christian women to marry a man who is already a believer, she also shares how God can redeem mistakes. After Diana's father died, she began thinking and praying more about her husband's need for Christ. As her prayers became desperate, she came to a point of asking God to do "whatever it takes" to bring Rick to Christ. When Rick became very ill with kidney disease a few months later, his spiritual interest began to grow, and after time and much more arduous prayer, Rick came to faith 18 months before his death. 

Diana still misses Rick but has never regretted The Most Dangerous Prayer (read Diana's story in our online library). In her ongoing journey with the Lord, Diana has pursued theological education in the last few years at Dallas Seminary

Find out more about Christian women surrendering their marriages and dreams of marriage through the Bible study Beautiful Surrender. Learn about the stories of women in your community by scheduling a Sacred Story Retreat.