Continuing the series Unexpected Turns, host Laura Wilcox welcomes Marissa, whose daughter Alice was diagnosed with cancer when she was four years old. Marissa shares how in the days surrounding Alice's initial symptoms and diagnosis, God kept leading her to read the book of Ephesians. Marissa found the very promises in Ephesians of God's deep and abiding love were exactly what she needed in those terrible days and months. Being a caregiver for a sick child was one of the many challenges of this dark valley in her life, and she writes honestly from that experience in her book, Who Cares for You?

While Marissa shares about the pain of witnessing her daughter's illness and not knowing the final outcome, she also shares how God comforted her, her husband and her daughters through His Word and an incredibly supportive church family. Find out more about Marissa's story and how you can be encouraged by visiting her website,

Every woman has a story of God's faithful presence through a difficult or challenging season of her life. Encourage the women at your church or small group to come together and tell your stories at a Sacred Story Retreat