Greetings 9MIND Sacred Sisterhood. Peace, Protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom upon we all and those we love. The question being presented is why Black Americans, descendants of antebellum plantation slavery have failed to advance collectively in the most propserpous, technological advanced and once military super power of the world? Although there are several answers I will give my listeners the answer that most Black Americans will never give you if you ask them. Many will say racism or white supremacy lolz others will say education and others still will say poverty or a lack of Unity. And although I do agreee that all mentioned do play their part the real reason why Black Americans have not advanced is because of how we think and view ourselves in America. I call how most Black Americans think; "PLANTATION PROGRAMMING". Many of we are unaware of it because other Blacks we interact and engage with express (the same) programming so we tend to THINK it's normal and natural and thus have no mental measuring barometer within our own race or culture to define what should be NORMAL as opposed to what should be abnormal. As such the abnormal becomes the normal in the imbalanced Black Mind thus causing we to repeat the errors of our Foremothers and ForeFathers who themselves did not take the time as FREED SLAVES to codify or create a handbook for Freed Slaves still living under constant racial oppression from hoardes of w/usurpers. Because this was not done ex slaves simply relied upon the religion taught them as the only rules of conduct & behavior for themselves & progeny to follow. Now I have mentioned in other broadcast that religion is only useful if you have a solid cohesive COMMUNITYbuilt off shared values and principles first. Religion without this as it's foundation is like a dog who has never known a leash. Link Up @


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