What's up 9Mind Sacred Cosmic Frequency Sisterhood, family and klan?

My apologies for not doing yesterdays SunDay show. I received un-announced company and had to choose betewwn doing the show or asking my guest to leave. Of course I chose the company of my guest and all is good and instead of making y'all miss me all the way to next week. Tonight will be yesterday's make up show. 

Tonight my mon·o·logue will include going over some FB post, current news and of course the main topic of our RELATIONSHIPS with one another, our children and or strangers and what is needed to take place for those relationships to become better, stronger, and FUNCTIONAL.

Too many of we are experiancing non functional relationships where we are with people are permanently around people we are not building a damn thing with.

What uh WASTE huh? I personally don't like hanging out with persons I'm not building with so when I meet you. I must quickly access whether or not the potential for (we) to BUILD ie.... create something is there. If it isn't then there is no reason we should become companions, or associates simply for the sake of having a NEW useless FRIEND to go eat some fried tacos with.