Greetings 9MIND Sacred Sisterhood Clan. Peace, prosperity, protection and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. I want the Sisterhood to listen to both YT links that I have posted and decide who does a better job of bringing the statistacal (receipts) on poor BW and how systemic conditions of poverty, lack of fair pay, lack of healthy nutrition, lack of clean housing coupled with weekly religious programming and FORCED terroristic male removal and incarceration is what really decimated the Black American Family and not BW or FEMINISM.

BM knew about all these horrible circumstances BW where forced to live thru but refused to advocate on their behalf to have these horrible grievances addressed by the US govt who constantly needed to be pressured into seeing SHE as Human. BW where never rescued or delivered from the legacy of being seen as  property the way WW eventually where. Instead BM as a racial collective continued to enjoy seeing BW as a subserviant, deased class where their mistreatment would be overlooked and not viewed as abuse or in HUMANE by the all MALE governing body of the LAND and of the LAW.

BW labeled as social outcast and perpetual victims of systemic misogynoir, economic discrimination, sexism, colourism must be held in BLAME for OUR OWN plight in order for BM to cover their own collective SHAME!

BGS IBMOR: The Black GynOcracy

Faith Jones: Black Men Use Feminism As An Excuse To Be Cowards

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We will tell our (own) TRUTH!

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