Whats Up Sons & Dawtahs of The Most High and of course the ELECT WATCHERS and Spiritual War corespondents located around the earth. The times of TESTING are once again upon we labeled BLACK and indeed the world at large. The Great White Brotherhood of EDOM has united to declare WAR upon the Black despised Jacob-Yacoob seed of the earth. Why we ask? What have we done now? How can we make sense of this seemingly ancient HATRED they have for we? Who can we turn to for the proper and correct answers? And when will it end? So many questions. So where do we look for the answers? This is what the 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood Cosmic Frequency show is all about. 


The correct ones. Tonight i will play some news clips that I recorded from the most popular and most listened to radio show here in the Atlanta area. It's so the 9mind listeners can here not from me but from those who call in everyday, comment and vent with who they call The Peoples Champion Brother derrick Boazman on the latest cases of police brutality and MURDER on Black Men and males. When there is a War in the physical realm usually it is a direct result of there also being one in the spiritual one. Often they do not operate seperately from one another as some of we may believe. So I, Shiloah aka El Maat always tries to look for the SPIRTUAL causes to explain what is occuring here in the physical dimension. And to see if we where forwarned of these very unsettling events or is this just another case of racial white rage that can not be explained?

Let's chop it up tonight and see what we come up with.