Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisters,peace, protection, prosperity and most of all WISDOM be upon we and those we love. This evening show part I will be about the William Cosby Jr. molestation & rape allegations with personal public testimony clips from those who knew and worked with Mr. Cosby which will segway into me discussing why it is we tend to accept a persons public persona as being the real them. Especially if they are high profile professionals, atheletes, electorates, celebrities ect... even when from early childhood we all discover that everyone living carries a dual nature within our being. It disturbs me at our reluctants to accept the reality that somebody who may appear morally exceptional publicly can also be a sexual deviant ie... PERVERT privately. Story after story has come out about how some of our most beloved and celebrated TV & movie STARZ, idols, mentors, professionals and especially politicians are exposed and found guilty of things and crimes that many of we pride ourselves as having never been guilty of being that AmeriKah and her mother country EngLAND have both painted themselves as the lands where religion and the pursuit of $$$ goes hand in hand and somehow this is not perceived as a undeniably laughable CONTRADICTION. So let's anaylyze why America being the land where the most humans in the history of HIStory are housed and caged similar to animals in a ZOO. Can we not say then that America's wealth is fueled off the institution of keeping we in human ZOOS and if wealth is being accumulated as well as inherited from this inhuman Capitalistic occupation. Then it is safe to say that creating and cultivating the sexual deviant, killer or pervert is a necessary EVIL to keep said HUMAN ZOOS known as JAILS, thriving?