Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sistuh's. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we and all we love. This evening will be some good ole 9Mind chop it and chat, ask questions or offer comments are just let me do what I do which is discussing and bringing to light the plight of the North American born Ebony/Black women, our issues our tragedies our triumps and why our demise our survival impacts everyone who relies on we for their enrichment, assistance, care, culture and yes even OUR LOVE, which (to me) is the GREATEST LOVE OF ALL.

~find (mind )nine kind or YOU will ...remain blind~  Shiloah

Trevor Noah ‏@Trevornoah

Black Woman. Resilient and Proud. Mother of men and the Rock of a Nation.

Thank You

Let's get it innnn...