Greetings 9MIND Sacred Sisterhood Clan. peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom to we all and those we love. Comedieene Monique has asked for a boycott of Netflix so lets get into why some are with her and many are not. Im a indigenous, authentic BW as is Mrs. Monique is and I have a right to speak on the plight and issues of BW. Especially those born germain to North America otherwise known as the West. Don't ask me why they refer to NORTH AMERICA as the WEST. This show has from it's inception admonished NA born women to tell our own stories because of the intentional historical inaccuracies that has occurred in the omission of massacres that occurrd here by Cuacasoid hordes sent by Euro Imperialist. We were INVADED, fought many wars mislabeled as INDIAN WARS although there were nver any Indians here when the EUROPEANS came over and many centuries later successfully relabeled the indigenous as Negros, Negresses, Freedmen, Coloureds, African Americans and BLACK which has many meanings. We've been in a ongoing RACE WAR ever since that many choose not to see, unless they become TARGETS of it the same way J.Baker, D.Dandrige, P.Roberson, E.Kitt, N.Simone, M.Ali (aka)Cassius Clay and now even Monique all found themselves victims of. 

Narrating as a proud indigenous BW here in the US lets see if whats happening to Monique something new or is it the old tried and true stratagem of RWS indicative of a sad truth that NB BW have always PAID a higher price for WHITE SUCCESS than BM, which is why America has many BM, multi Millionairs while on the flip side of that equation there is only ( 1 ) BLACK WOMEN allowed on that level and what THE RULES are she has to agree to in order tobethere El_Shiloh9-twitter