Shalom everyone. ThAnks for joining the 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood Cosmic Frequency Blogtalk Internet Radio show on our new (permanent) show day and eastern-time slot. This is part 2 with one of the greatest teachers I have ever heard speak. Although I was not presented with the oppurtunity to have met the Master Teacher or attend even one of his live lectures. I have learned more listening to this one 3 hour lecture by Master Teacher and Brother C Freeman El than three and four years studying with Christians, Hebrew Israelites, Conscious Community Adepts ect....

I wish as a child, ages 3-9 I hadda had just (one)adult around me teaching me this type of Knowledge of Self ideology. smh The possibilities of where I would be right now had I had this kind of information spoken in my hearing or simply limitless which is why I must share this with the 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood. Girl children are often told a lot of things as they/we grow up, but that we are also GOD, is (never) one of them. I once had a lil 7 or 8 yrd old w/boy named Dillon tell me he was God., and I remeber being shocked, but I didnt show it or act like it however I never forgot it to this day. And I remember thinking to myself back then, "White folks are teaching their children some way different shyt than what is being taught to our kids." :-) And I literally marveled at how confident he was when he proclaimed it. Naw, he didn't just say it, he "PROCLAIMED IT" as if he knew it was a FACT! lol

So pull up a chair and prepare yourself to learn the (secrets) of THYSELF with the MASTER TEACHER C. Freeman El.

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