Tonight 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood will be discussing not only the latest cases of Police misconduct & blantant murder of our BM but I want to throw out there what I feel would be the most effective message to send to not only LE but to all gov principalities of America as an appropiate answer to a problem that has plagued BM since the W1 showed up on OUR LANDS. Now I doubt seriously if my suggestion will be done but if it where it would send a message to racist WA that B/M's lives do matter. And we have had enough of watching our men be MURDERED without the murderers getting the same punishment 4 that crime that the rest of us do. Will also be addressing some hot topic FB post-threads that get the most ?'s an responses. If time permits I want 2 touch on a subject that I did not get 2 dive in2 on last week show which is the epidemic of B/M heterosexual & bisexual havin sex with non BW & the DANGER sistuhs put ourselves in when we lay with these brothers who are unknowingly spreading aggressive forms of CANCER & disease 2 us without even our knowledge. Bcuz most of we do not do a good job of screening males sexual behavior b4 we choose 2 lay with them. Hosea 4:6 of the Holy Bible an even though the African American has had possession of this often loved and hated manifesto we still have not prevented ourselves and our families from being literally destroyed right b4 our very eyes.Y? What is it that we just are not gettin? We are the most church goin ppl we no. We luv 2read all the HOLY books that have been given 2 we. So why is it that our spiritual condition has worsened and our Blk relationships almost ruined 2 the point of we are now asking, "Can We Fix Our Issues In Time To Save Our Race?"