Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sistuhs, peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. This evening we will be discussing genes and if certain pathologies, thoughts, habits, addictions and or mental and physical diseases are passed on thru our genetics from our parents? Is there a Biblical basis for our behavior and what we see going on around us? I will also be admonishing all ebony, chocolate aka Blk females to (not) do any more FREE BREEDING. Free breeding is something that SLAVES do and we need to stop supporting our own enslavement and those of our children. 

All of us know by now that babies and children aren't FREE. So my question to all Sistuhs and women, why should OUR WOMBS be FREE? Especially to the lowest of non ALPHA males who prowl the communities and neighborhoods as nothing more than sexual PREDATORS which is the most dangerous predator on the earth? More dangerous than any four legger predator that the Aryan white predator felt like he needed to kill off so him and his kind could be the only reigning predator on this planet. See a man is not determined based off what he LOOKS like. Instead he/they are determined by what they THINK like. 

Surely we have been "DESTROYED" for lack of knowledge. So let's get it innn...

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