Greetings 9Mind sacred Sisterhood Klan & Family. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. These are just my thoughts on todays show topic, Is Man SHARING WRONG! Man sharing is not the problem. Man sharing on (mans) terms is. If we had our own Sacred Sisterhood communities where females were never raised to feel insecure and see another sister as her nemesis, then all sexual contact would be on OUR terms all the time. Ghettos were males have no paternal connection or love for the females around them keeps them in 100% hunter predator mode who simply desires SEX & to BREED with the least amount of cost or expense to himself/themselves. American Ghettos aka BLACKISTAN allows for even the most substandard beta males to have sex with females that in a NATURAL habitat protected by a supreme ALPHA MALE these females would tear a beta males balls right off him b4 allowing him/them to "F" her. Understand that perceived ALPHA MALES (never) have just 1 sexual partner never will. It isFEMALES who decide who the Alpha male male is based off (their willingness) to SHAREHIM! HELLO

But in communities we're the females themselves have (never) set the terms for mating and or cohabitation, then the males will create the terms and because they have a more unified cohesive togetherness by NATURE now being called BROTHERHOOD or HOMIE they learn to work together to insure that "THEY ALL" get to mate and breed with the females they want and LIKE on the LOWEST terms possible. This is why becoming a PIMP is the easiest way for an effeminate BETA male to have limitless budussie??money and CONTROL all at the same time without having to have any true ALPHA Male skills or even a education. smdh