What up 9Mind Family. This Evenings topic will be on Domestic Terrorism against the Black race which has been the greatest AMERICAN untold HORROR STORY. Why this subject of Americas (true) history has been left untold and untaught in every school of learning and education is why I feel the need to discuss it now. I don't understand how a system can be so thoroughly be set in place where even the VICTIMS themselves of the greatest Holacaust ever carried out against them and their descendants is rarely or never spoken about. How does such a cover up of such horrific proportions occurr for so many generations is what I would like to know. I seems the more that is uncovered, the more insideous "THE TRUTH" really is. Well I guess we should know by now that the axim often quoted is, "Those who forget (their) history are doomed to REPEAT IT." So are their powers always at work helping we to FORGET? And do we ourselves participate in the forgetting? I say we do. Now let's try and dissect why?