Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisters of Light & Luv. peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we luv. Tonight show won't be that long. I have been on Periscope since yesterday and other than constantly losing connection rpeatedly. I do like it. I was able to link up with scopers in Dubai, London, Ireland, Ohio, Tennesse, Washington DC, Jaimaic and Atlanta just with the press of my finger. Amazing technology we have today. There is no reason I should not utilize what we have available to us for however long we have it. I tried to talk some of my estranged family members into using apps like Ooovo, skype ect... and they just where never interested in learning or allowing someone to TEACH them how to use these very useful apps to connect with friends, strangers or mainly Family members far away. I do see how ppl can be technologically left behind because of their refusal to stay knowledgeable of our ever chaning and evolving society. Well I will  (attemp) to Periscope for the first time a live show and see how that turns out OK? But if I lose the connection then just know I warned you ahead of time. My Wifi connection where I live is not strong and I will be running at least (2) things from wifi, so less see how it goes. No planned topic tonight. Just me saying what I feel, as usual.


Alright lets's get it innn...

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