Shalom everyone. I want to continue our 9Mind exposure of the Black Boul'e aka Masons by finding out who it is these College trained males work for and who's (secrets) they have sworn to (solomenly) uphold. The last to shows where our Brother S. Cokely shared his indepth research into their secret and priviledged fraternal orders was certainly eye opening and even shocking when one reflects on the amount of power and control these secret orders of all male fraternities truly weld over the mostly unaware masses of Corporate chattel stock called humans. Many consisting largley of low income or no income underprivileged women and children. Come and share another 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood explosive night of revelations about those who serve the unseen faces and hands of global power and world domination. Be prepared to learn, be shocked but most of all be prepared to become aware that NOTHING is as it is made to appear.

Let's go.....