What up 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood and others? Protection and peace that surpasseth all understanding or overstanding be upon we the ELECT here to restore JUSTICE, TRUTH & HONOR as the only (true) AND RIGHTFUL religion upon this glorius abundant earth in which we have been blessed to incarnate into as a SCHOOL for the SOUL while it is contained in this vessel we call FLESH. This evening I wanna touch on why many indigenous Blk Americans don't vote or feel obligated to State or government service to their fellow man or community while at the same time claiming to be pious/religious, (conscious) ? or some other elevated lofty title like Dr, Reverand, Pastor, First Lady, Duchess, Deacon, Goddess, God, Empress, Genearal, Minister, Major, Arch Imam, Rabbi, Moreh, Mother,GrandMaster, MC, Grand Father and ect.... I now realize that with any (title) comes great responsibilty and both spiritual as well as a community obligation and not just one. All of Mans needs will be spiritual as well as physical so we who claim to be SPIRITUAL should also be prepared to meet the needs of ourselves as civil servants and community guardians.

It's going to be another informative show folks, another show designed to get we all to THINK about what our true obligations are on this EARTH when it comes to ourselves, the planet and all life forms that cohabit with we on the earth. Bad people and only be tyrants when we the good sit back and refuse to take responsibilty for the world we live in. To be soveriegn requires one to be morally and socially responsible at all times through out the duration of ones LIFE. While a slave ie... dependant need only OBEY the orders and commands of it's MASTER/'S

Which have YOU been based off how you have lived your life?


And which where YOU the BEST at being?