Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood Klan. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and most of all those we love. This evenings discussion is about Black women looking realistically at how far economically she/we can go being tied sexually, spiritually, socially and economically to Black men, original, aboriginal or other. The Black Community Is One Huge Abused Woman Shelter -

Remeber my show when I talked about how we should not be giving men the most valuable piece of real estate (children) for FREE! 

Girl create your contract that is in your own best interest. Men don't play fair. EVER! They are Business men (first), therefore they see love as a woman's weakness. Which is why most have more respect for WHORES. Now don't get mad sisters. Men respect Business more than they respect love which is why they find Hoe's more attractive. See a Hoe puts Business first and this is the language most men understand,

So what is a virtuos, clean, righteous sister supposed to do?

Keep listening to 9MIND Sacred Sisterhood Cosmic Frequency and you will find out.

Let Us Make Man Over... Let's Go







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