What up 9Mind Family. This evening show is again all about (our story) as exploited indigenous women and how our males never allowed to protect us have now just accepted that designated role in history and finds ways to make their own lives better and comfortable while their children by we are kept generationally impovershed, undereducated, drugged up and hearded to Nazi invented juvenile and prison detention camps. We are made to accept this as our normal lot in life while images of our males dressed up on the movie screen and on stages, break and buck dancing, crooning, rapping, joking and all manners of upgraded new age COONING is invented for them to participate in and enrich themselves by while black women are forced to depend on the very same government that conducted the most horrific medical experiments aka EUGENICS ever known of in the history of the world. Our men know of the horrors of the American government against Black indigenous males females and yet these same males desire to obtain a (higher) education only to become permanenetly employed by their once owners and slave masters. SMFH (really)? YES, REALLY! Again I got great clips to prove how the Black mans mind has been strategically programmed by the doctrines of one world RELIGION being disguised as being diverse and in opposition to one another when in truth all have been invented and codefied by the VATICAN and her JESUIT PRIEST of mass miss information. As long as I have breath in me I will voice my pain, distress and dissatisfaction with the present state of my people and what these global KILLERS and assasins have reduced we too. As long as I have BREATH. I will not be thankful.


