Shalom everyone. 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood is continueing or discussion on Black inndigenous genetic Survival and how we can defend ourselves from the SILENT WEAPONS of the quiet WARS we find ourselves in daily.WARS that are really about our genetics and who will ultimately have control of them in this new SUN cycle we are entering also know as the AGE of AQUARIUS. The adversry or US?

Remember the Black American group the 5th Dimension singing about the Age of Aquarius? LOL

Do we want to have control of our own genetics or are or we happy we the way things currently are where everyone use us for our genetics whils still treating us like we are the INFERIOR cursed RACE of the earth? If we are so cursed then WHY DO THEY NEED US (black people) SO BAD? Why does everyone HATE us but have no problem breeding and having progeny from us justto turn around and make the progeny OUR MASTERS while we yet fight to be seen as valued let alone as EQUALS to those who use we?

We must wake up and see this for what it is and has been. GENETIC RACE WARS!!!

Lets go....