Peace, luv and blessed protection be upon all of the 9Mind Sacred Sisters and those that we luv. 2night is news and my best FB post. We will begin and end this evening show with a song by Jonny Rebel called; If I Could Be a N For a Day. Some may find night show offensive

so will be rated R. I 4/1am in full agreement of the ngr word being put back on the table and openly used by whoever want's 2. Why? There are way to many ppl of color, Blk an other now residing in USA who seem 2B clueless about whts true feelings toward their native Blk populace. It's as if some have conveniantly chosen 2 4GET critical patches of American history dealing with race problems that resulted in mucho lost of life and bloodshed and yet both Blks an whts pretend such horrors of history against the Negros never even occurred. The words of this song should cause us  to seriously ponder how Blks are truthfully viewed globally by Albion-Aryan-orion EuroPEAN w/Klans but other ethnic groups who do not view themselves 2B what BA's are although sharing similar complexion an even features. These groups once in the USA are secretly encouraged to not intergrate with us. More an likely for economic reasons. BA's seem to walk around truly clueless that no other Black or Coloured races ie... ethnic groups want to be us geneticaly but do want to come to AMERICA and usurp we socially and economically. BA's under the spell of dejavu refuse to even consider that we are seen globally as inferior ngr stock by every ethnic group allowed to immigrate here, yet it is conveniently kept on the hush so as to not awaken the sleeping BG's... enslaved in AMERICA