First her father was violently murdered when she was sixteen. Then six year later her mother died. Timely words of wisdom on healing from trauma and violence from Angela True.

In this Podversation: Angela's own story with violence and trauma The life cycle of healing from an integrative perspective "Travel heals trauma" A cautionary tale for those wanting to offer comfort Escaping the label of "trauma survivor" The call for common sense legislation How our emotions are trying to get our attention and ask us to DO something "Legacy cannot be overemphasized" Change the label and change the attachment to the trauma ...going beyond "survivor" Is there a problem with the "wounded healer" phenomenon? "Who were you before, who are you now, and who are you going to be?" Meet Angela True

Angela True moved into the trauma recovery arena the ‘hard’ way, after her father was violently murdered when she was sixteen. Six year later her mother died leaving her orphaned and with no road map for trauma and grief. After years of trying a myriad of avenues to help her heal, she discovered writing a surprisingly effective form of therapy.

Now she regularly speaks, teaches and coaches on the topic of trauma and recovering after an act of violence. Angela has served as Executive Director of Non-Profits in Asia working with orphaned and disadvantaged children teaching them about resilience, identity, self esteem and self love. She served as Executive Director of Uplift Yourself a non profit mindfulness center. She currently serves as the chapter lead of Survivors Empowered helping gun violence survivors tell their stories. She works with clients one on one online or in person.

Angela is a mom of twin 13 year old boys, married to high school principal, she loves having coffee with friends, connecting with people. She loves elephants and pugs.

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