Who says goal setting has to be soul sucking? Learn how to find your OPTIMAL ZONE between hustle & flow for maximum results and deep soul satisfaction. Plus what trees can actually teach us about the role challenge plays in transformation. So not what you think! This podversation is INTENSE!

In the podversation: The arguments for and against goal setting and resolutions Where is YOUR optimal sweet spot between hustle and flow? The proof is in the pudding Take radical responsibility; it takes more energy to lie to yourself Start with the FEELING of an intention Questions to ask yourself to get started with the process DECLARATIONS after or above intentions Aligned actions naturally follow the intentions and declarations; you have to reverse engineer the plan! If your mind tends to get caught up in constant chatter, Alex says, 'slow the f$% down!'" Satisfaction doesn't come without self-responsibility Shift from "I have to" to "I get to!" - the first choice is ALWAYS to change the meaning you ascribe to things Where can you bring in the energy of SURRENDER to your plans? Don't forget to keep tabs on how far you've come and the magic in each day! Tamara's practice of journaling how many days old she is along with today's date We're constantly in a state of transition because we are constantly seeking transformation The Biodome Experiment - trees need wind to grow Where are you on the continuum between feeling mode and fixing mode? Additional Resources: How many days old are you? Donald Miller's Productivity Schedule Worksheet Take the Enneagram Personality Test Viktor Frankl's "Man Search For Meaning"