Ever been disillusioned with those who seem content to live in the shallows? Could we be holding ourselves back from the ultimate fulfillment in life?

Alexandra Covucci is a coach and founder of The Daring Life where she helps women step into their power, live on their own terms, and create their most daring life and business.

You can connect further with Alexandra on the web at www.alexandracovucci.com or in her FB Group, The Daring Life.



In this podversation: Tamara fan girls over Alex's poetry and shares a poem on air What it's like to be a HSP (highly sensitive person) Alex's existential journey towards meaning and purpose in her career Her experience with an eating disorder Why I believe Alex represents what it's like to be raw in her business and why it works The fear of being seen The power of having someone else hold space for you How obesity can actually be thought of as starving yourself Your symptoms are actually trying to save you and the power in waging war for yourself Unlocking compassion What Alex stands for as an entrepreneur through the lens of her soul's sacred contract Alexithymia Is technology contributing to lack of emotional awareness and connection? Mindfully eating life How depth ruins us for the shallows The struggle to find the sweet spot with depth and authenticity in business Alex's rituals for tapping into that mindful sweet spot Additional Resources: Geneen Roth and her book "Women Food and God" More on Alexithymia  and an online quiz and forum


To reach Tamara, head on over to:

http://aryatherapy.com/ or https://talesfromatrapezoid.com/

Sound Editing provided by Pete Bailey: http://petebailey.net/audio/