In this episode, we talk about how the "lack" or "scarcity" mindset is holding you back. It's keeping so many of us stuck that we can't truly manifest the life that we've dreamed of having, living.

What are some of your blocks as it relates to lack or scarcity? Do you find yourself envious of those who seem to "have it all"? Do you get offended when you're challenged to level up and raise your standards? No judgement, we've all done these things and more when it comes to our complex relationship w/ money and abundance.

This is a combo episode for the podcast and our weekly live sessions that you can catch every Sunday 7pm EST on Facebook.

Also, this kicks off our countdown for the new flagship course at the Starting Over Academy, "The Divine Divah Moon Circle; Manifesting Miracles and Magick!"

Stay tuned. Enrollment details coming soon!