Over the last 50 or so years, personal responsibility has become eroded and eventually virtually erased. Why has this happened, and how does it compare with what the Bible says?



The nationalised NHS model was doomed from the start
How to fix the NHS


Quarter of teens now have mental health problems
New York Times decides lockdowns are harmful

Christianity in Britain:

Secular Britain worships destructive new gods
Crown Prosecution Service decides it is no longer appropriate to quote verses from the Bible


Eva Vlaardingerbroek talk
Neil Oliver monologue
Elon Musk: Worse than Hitler

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If you'd like to learn the Christian faith, I have a website / YouTube channel called Understand the Bible -

Website: https://understandthebible.uk

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UnderstandTheBible

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/understand-the-bible

My personal website: http://phillsacre.me.uk

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