Men. Women. Sex. Love. The learning never stops.... and these conversations with women who are men's sex coaches will continue to be a regular and popular feature on the live #MENSWORK podcast. Email me at [email protected] for the Zoom link to the next in this series. 

In our second episode of the "I don't want to f*ck if I can't feel your love" series I host men's sex coaches Melissa Bloxham and Aumsong Troughton. I start with a quote from a Taoist perspective on male/female sex/love polarities. Aumsong and Melissa take it from there, asking questions and giving insights into one of the perennial issues facing masculine-identified men attracted to feminine-identified women: WTF? Why, when you're attracted, is it so hard to sustain sexual opening? 

There is gold here, I believe, for those of us who want to deepen our love and our sex with each other. I'm grateful to Melissa and Aumsong for their vulnerability and honesty in this conversation, and I'm looking forward to when we talk about men, women, sex, love again! Please join us.


If after listening you'd like to work with Aumsong, please contact her via her website at
If you'd like to work with Melissa, please contact her via her website at
If you'd like to work with me, Hans Peter Meyer, book me via the coaching link at


Request: Please check your local bookstore before defaulting to the billionaire's warehouse.

Way of the Superior Man, David Deida
Videos and trainings at that help men and women, whatever your sexual preference or identification, "operationalize" Deida's mind-blowing insights  
The 5 Love Languages, Gary Chapman
Women's Anatomy of Arousal, Sheri Winston


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