Dr Robert O. Young is one of the world’s most prolific naturopathic practitioners. He is the author of alternative medicine books promoting the alkaline diet. His most popular works are the "pH Miracle" series of books, which outline his beliefs about holistic healing and an "alkalarian" lifestyle.

As one of the most controversial figures in the medical science fraternity, he has battled for years against the usual Pharma cartels and their limitless wealth and undue influence. Despite this, he is regarded by many as one of the most formidably intelligent and progressive minds in the world. His knowledge appears limitless and his sense of duty to exposing a genocidal and sociopathic slow-death-industry posturing as the medical establishment and public health sector. During the recent Covid hysteria his remarkable knowledge has become even more relevant, with hundreds of millions of people across the globe becoming increasingly aware of the apparent criminal collusion and conspiracy of governments and public health administrators.

Like any righteous and judicious man of God, Dr. Young has an indomitable faith and believes that truth can, will, and must prevail, if we are to evolve as a species. In this frank livestream face-to-face interview, Sacha will try to break down for the audience the ABC and 123 of germs, viruses, disease, the immune system, vaccinations and many other basic questions, which most people are aware of but still do not understand.

Do not miss this broadcast - and please help bypass the endemic censorship of both Sacha and Robert by SHARING this link below on your Facebook and other social media.

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