[__________], is my Xth startup.
I have [_____] co-founders and/or [_____] people on the team.
The HQ is in [__________], and we were founded [_____] months ago.

We’re focused on [____________________] (target audience),
that helps/solves  [____________________] (problem),
by offering a  [____________________] (solution).

To date, we’ve had [____________________] (traction)
ie. revenue > funds raised > users > PoC’s > LOI’s > signups > surveys

My ask is [____________________].

If you have time left or if you think it’s very relevant, two common additions are:
We are different/better than [__________] because of [__________] (competition)

The time is now because [__________] (market).
Note: If you’re in the early-stages of building and don’t have any traction, replace with:

My past experience/expertise is in [__________] which is why we’ll win. (relation)