Automaily has launched and has its first signups, A short geek out on AWS instances and we revisit positioning and getting your first customers.

Automaily launches, positioning revisited and finding focus againDean has refocused after dealing with recent family obligations. and is building momentum creating UI mockups. 

We briefly geek out and go off on a tangent talking about the engima that is AWS reserved Instances and spot pricing. 

Simon reveals Automaily has launched and has its first signups, he discusses using Amazon AWS SES for handling marketing emails and keeping Postmark for transactional emails. 

We revisit positioning and Simon talks about how HotJar analytics is showing where to focus his attention to improve the marketing.  

Dean asks Simon how he's going to get his first 10 customers and they discuss leveraging his existing customers of 

Simon reflects on what to build out next and what may move the needle. 
SaaS Reality Links  Simon on - Simon’s new product - Simon’s existing SaaS product   
Dean on - Dean’s new SaaS   
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