Yannick Veys is the co-founder of HypeFury, a tool to grow and monetize your Twitter audience. They grew from an MRR of just $5 thousand dollars into currently $11,000 dollars in just a couple of months. Subscribe and you won't miss a thing! 


Brand: Baremetrics

Person: Arvid Kahl

Book: Atomic Habits (https://amzn.to/2Vw2No0)

Tools: Todoist, XMind, Twist, Ahrefs

FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/saaspirates.

Follow Mike: https://instagram.com/mikestrives, https://youtube.com/@mikestrives, https://twitter.com/mikestrives, or Mike's blog at https://mikestrives.com.

[DISCOUNT OFFER] User feedback tool: https://upvoty.com (10% off with code 'PIRATE').

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