Dhanraj is the Product Marketing Manager at Wotnot, a chatbot to help businesses generate qualified leads and scale their support. His biggest lesson learned: “Narrow down your ICP (ideal customer profile) as much as you can”. In this episode, you’ll hear his point of view. Subscribe and you won't miss a thing!


Brands: Gong.io

Persons: Jason Fried

Books: Hooked by Nir Eyal (https://amzn.to/3nRUVbR), Never Split the Difference (https://amzn.to/3oW5Cf5)

Tools and Apps: Reddit, Slack

FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/saaspirates.

Follow Mike: https://twitter.com/mikeslaats/, https://instagram.com/mikeslaats, vlog https://youtube.com/mikedotsaas

[DISCOUNT OFFER] User feedback tool: https://upvoty.com (10% off with code 'PIRATE').

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