You are a founding engineer at a SaaS startup. You built the MVP, and to everyone's great delight - usage is picking up. What's next?

In this episode, Jeffrey shares how a messy MVP can gradually evolve into a scalable SaaS product. We discuss the critical design decisions engineers have to make in the early days of building the product: Tabs or spaces, pooled tenants or siloed, Micro-services or monolith... And who makes these decisions.

Jeffrey Sherman is a staff engineer, scalability, and performance lead at Active Campaign - and was recently recognized as SaaS Developer Hero for his contributions to this community.

Jeffery has his own podcast, @NeverRewrite , where you can find him with more good advice and funny stories every single week.

P.S. I had a bit of construction going on while recording. I tried my best, but you'll hear hammers in the background. So sorry!