API Economy is booming and provides many services that make SaaS development easier. Adding great public APIs to your product is also easier than ever.   

In this episode, Gwen Shapira, usually the host of the channel, shared everything she learned about APIs, API Economy, and building great public APIs in the last week.   

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Great links I found in my API research: 

Very detailed writeup from a business perspective: https://www.notboring.co/p/apis-all-the-way-down 

A great podcast episode about SaaS in general with good insights about API economy: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0kEiIDcv1i2OzIEi2xuRI7?si=nnPEE4fURTidQy0NNnrwdw&nd=1 

The contrarian take: https://www.swyx.io/api-economy/ 

Jamstack - using the API economy to get away with no backend: https://jamstack.org/ 

World of APIs: https://www.postman.com/explore 

Swagger example of generating docs and examples from a spec: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/AnaMCD-lab/my-petstore/1.0.0#/pet/addPet