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Happy 10 months to Christmas day!  Hahahahahaha- that’s not a real day. But, today is a pretty awesome day, because it’s a “release a really good S&M Comedy Podcast Day!”  Today’s fantastic interview is with Don Steinmetz, longtime PHX comic Continue reading →

Happy 10 months to Christmas day!  Hahahahahaha- that’s not a real day.

But, today is a pretty awesome day, because it’s a “release a really good S&M Comedy Podcast Day!”  Today’s fantastic interview is with Don Steinmetz, longtime PHX comic and even longer time PHX policeman!  He’s been known for telling fun jokes about his policework on stage for years now, and since he just retired after 35 years on the force, we decided it would be a great time to sit down with him and get some more in depth stories!  And boy, are there some deep stories.  About 13 inches deep, huh, Don?  *wink*

It’s a great talk, super fun, and a bit insightful into the stresses of putting your life on the line every day for the greater good.  It’s a rough job, so go hug a cop today.  Maybe not while they’re on duty, that might wind up badly.

If you want to see more Steinmetz, get out to the Hidden House on March 4 and see the Old Timer’s Night, featuring Don, Stu Baker, Steve Maxwell, Myke Dehu, Kirk Buckhout, and Ronnie D!

Follow Don on Twitterz and Facebookz!

Get ready for Lawn Gnome next Friday and Goodbye Cruel World at Space 55 on 3/13!

Thanks for listening; keep coming out to shows and supporting the Live, Local, Law-Abiding, Well-Mannered Independent PHX Comedy Scene!

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