Hey gang members!  Want some sad happy news?  Too fucking bad, here it is! S&M Comedy is no longer running Thursday Night Comedy at Monkey Pants.  Sincerest apologies to those of you that were booked in the near future.  Sorry Continue reading →

Hey gang members!  Want some sad happy news?  Too fucking bad, here it is!

S&M Comedy is no longer running Thursday Night Comedy at Monkey Pants.  Sincerest apologies to those of you that were booked in the near future.  Sorry to say it, your booking is now dust in the wind.

We did a great job with Monkey Pants.  We can say it.  It was in utter disarray when we took it over, and we worked our asses off to make it good and make it right, and we did our best to keep it so over the past three years.  We learned so much.  The main things we learned are about consistency.  It’s key.  No matter how much we’ve learned and how much work we’ve done (except promoting, we still suck at that) we’ve probably overstayed our welcome and our usefulness at the venue, and it’s time to move on.  It’s never pretty when it happens, but when it does happen, everyone has to decide whether or not they’re going to make the best of it.  So!  Let’s all choose to make the best, shall we?

Wednesday night at Hidden House, Bartender Brian will be making sure every whistle stays wet, because a raucous evening of comedy requires ample hydration!  We need you to come out and help us welcome headliner Ron Babcock on his Benz it Like Babcock Tour, and you’ll also get to check out local comics Andy Steinberg, Adam Lark, Anthony Desamito, Ian Gilb, Lawyer Johnson, Michael Turner, Ryan Lawson, Zed Phillips, and super special guest host Aaron Kyle!  Phoenixes’s Longest Running Independent Comedy Show starts every Wednesday at 9pm, so come lurk in the dark with us!

Thanks for listening; keep coming out to shows and supporting the Live, Local, Independent PHX Comedy Scene!