This Week In Japan, Japan prepares to resume cross-border travel with several countries, Corrupt government official's bribery plot exposed, Homeless in Japan are yet to receive any stipend money, TOEIC practice test site crashed due to student overload, and Students are prohibited to use parasols during summer. Word of the Week: "天に向かって唾を吐く (てんにむかってつばをはく)"

[Japanese Explanation] 

This Week In Japanでは毎週、日本で話題になっているニュースについて、イギリス人アーティストのJulianと日本人起業家のYasuが英語で意見を交わしています。他にも日本文化や、面白い日本語のフレーズ等も紹介しています。 

(Recorded on August 28st, 2020, in Roppongi, Tokyo)