This week in Japan, following the national declaration of a state of emergency, persistent pachinko players and imaginative creators are responding differently to the news.

- Play as Governor Koike in The Social Distancing Game (Mitsu-desu Game)

- Government Declares Nation-wide State of Emergency

- Abe Shinzo and his 10man Plan

- Popular Anime Series One Punch Man is Potentially Getting a Hollywood Movie

- Pachinko Industry Under Fire

- Word of the week: Golden Week (ゴールデンウィーク)

[Japanese Explanation]
This Week In Japanでは毎週、日本で話題になっているニュースについて、イギリス人アーティストのJulianと日本人起業家のYasuが英語で意見を交わしています。他にも日本文化や、外国人にとっては不思議な日本語のフレーズ等も紹介しています。

(Recorded on April 24th, 2020, in Roppongi, Tokyo)